
Monday 14 November 2011

Preliminary exercise: Final cover

This is my final design of my front cover of my college magazine. I decided to use the reduced palette and used the same font through out so its easily read able and all links together. I decided to add a banner because when putting one of my cover lines onto a banner it reduced the number around the picture and made it stand out. The puff made it look more interesting and i used the cover line ' free download inside' so it would also relate to its target audience and was something interesting to put inside it. The fonts colour isn't very stereotypical gender colours so it can relate to both genders, appealing to a wider target audience.
It has changed a lot from my flat plans such as i decided not to put a little image on my cover because it looked to cluttered. I also changed the puff and the cover lines round because of the way the background image was placed it looked better to have them round the over way because he is stood more to the left.
I am very pleased with my cover because I think it looks pretty good considering this is the first time I have done anything like this before. I discovered it is best to try things out because then you can see what looks best so you can get the best outcome.