
Monday 14 November 2011

Preliminary Exercise: Cover lines

1) 'Amazing A levels' interview with a grade A student- this will make students want to read the magazine, so they will get amazing A level results and this will link to the cover image, adding great appeal to the target audience. The use of alliteration is catchy and easy to remember again attracting potential buyers.

2) 'A night every student wants to go to' top 10 students nights - this will also entice students to read the magazine because it will give them information on student nights and thats a very popular subject amongst students and is what students can relate to and want to read about.

3) 'Look out dodgy discounts!' A true life story- this could be a true life story about scams to do with student discounts, the 'look out' will give the impression you have to read it.

4) 'Student must haves' the new iphone 4s- this will talk about about the latest gadgets or equipment that can be used in college, this is something students are interested in and the phrase 'must haves' gives the impression that students have to have it, meaning they will want to read the magazine, so they can keep up to date.

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