
Monday 14 November 2011

Preliminary Exercise: Attempt at cover

Attempt 1

Attempt 2

I found that adding my first cover line was challenging, getting them in the right place, getting the colour just right and easy to read, I found particularly difficult. By looking at a colour wheel I saw that yellow and purple were opposites, therefore would go great together.  I then tryed these colours out and in attempt one the yellow colour was to stark and the purple was to dark against the background so it was hard to read. To help with the uncomfortably bright yellow I used the 'tint' tool to lower the tint of the colour to make it just the right shade so it was eye catching but not to bright. Then adding by adding a paper stroke to the purple it made it stand out more against the dark background and improved the clearness of it, making it easier to read and therefore more eye catching from a far. 

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