
Monday 16 January 2012

Music Magazine- Target audience

The genre of my music magazine will be chart/pop music, which appeals to mass audience rather then a niche audience who like more alternative music genres. My music magazine will be targeted at teenage girls from ages 15-18 who listen to chart music because this suits the genre of my music magazine because young adults usually listen to more chart music. I think that by mainly having my audience at young females it will be an advantage because magazines such as 'NME' are mainly targeted a males and the magazine 'Q' is targeted at a more mature audience.
I have chosen this target audience because I can easily relate to it because I am a female aged 16 that listens to chart music. I particularly know what girls my age would want a chart/pop music magazine to feature, as well as what they're into at the moment. However I am going to hand out a questionnaire to get further information on this. If I chose a different target audience such as older males I wouldn't be able to relate at all meaning the magazine would not appeal to the target audience, meaning it wouldn't sell very well.

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