
Sunday 29 January 2012

Music Magazine: Project Proposal

Who are you aiming your magazine at specifically?
I will be aiming my magazine at females ages 15-18 who are interested in mainstream music.

What will your magazine be about? 
My magazine is all about Chart/pop music. It will feature things such as interviews with artists, information on festivals/ concerts and posters, these will all be appropriate to my target audience and will hopefully appeal to potential buyers.

What are your ideas for cover lines?
Cover lines need to draw in my target audience. I would possibly have some for example like 'all about Adele' and 'Win VIP tickets for Rihanna's new tour' this will give potential buyers of an idea of what's inside and by using things such as alliteration it makes them catchy, drawing people in.

What title have you decided and why? 
I have decided to call my music magazine 'Play' its simple and easy to say, whilst also linking to music. I understand that it has many connotations but I have had the idea to maybe make a logo or mast head which looks like a play button on a stereo or Ipod making it clear that my magazine is all about music.

What fonts do you want to use? 
I want my fonts on my front cover to be easily readable, so I wont be using anything too fancy. However for my double page spread article I may use fonts such as 'Calibri' because there simple but stylish. I may also use block capitals on my front cover so it is easily seen.

What are your ideas for tag lines? 
I haven't decided whether to have a tagline because sometimes they look tacky.

When will it be published and how frequently?
I will hopefully have the first issue out by summer because the whether is hot and people sunbathe in their gardens and at the beach meaning magazine sales sore, this will give my magazine a good head start. It will be published monthly and it theme will go with the seasons to attract potential buyers.

What will the cover image be and how will you go about getting this image? 
The cover image will be of a female looking glamorous with her hair and make-up done nicely. I will take this photo myself and try my hardest to make her look like a famous artist such as Adele or Rihanna.

What is your colour scheme?
My colour scheme has to appeal to my target audience so I will be using very girly colours such as pink and purple but maybe also use white to lighten it up a bit and make the magazine look sophisticated.

How much will it sell for? 
I will sell my music magazine for £2.00 because it will be quite a big magazine however because its just starting it wont be as popular as music magazines like 'NME' which sells for £2.40. I believe this is an realistic price and isn't too much to pay for a magazine which is published monthly.

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