
Sunday 2 October 2011

Task 2: Magazines & Audiences

Vogue Magazine is targeted at female's who are interested in fashion. Vogue does well in making their magazine appeal to their target audience. The front cover is the first thing that someone looks at when buying a magazine, so it is important that this meets the wants of the magazines target audience.
One of the first main big selling points of the magazine is that Adele is on the front cover, looking very glamorous. The whole background of the front cover is this image, which creates a big impact and then you have the word 'vogue' overlapping in large letters, the fonts used and the style of the front cover has a sophisticated feel to it, so this creates great appeal because the whole fashion industry is also very sophisticated. The masthead is large making it immediately seen by the eye. The front cover isn't overloaded with writing and cover lines are neatly placed around the side of the image giving it a simple elegance which reflects on the inside of the magazine. However the cover lines still stick out to you because of the colour white is used on top of the dark coloured background image making it easily noticeable.
 The image is of the celebrity Adele who is known as strong women through her music , which most women listen to, so this makes the target audience of women want to read the magazine because its someone who they like and who they know. The Colour of the title and the headline 'adoring Adele' are the same colour which makes you read the title and then straight away look at this line, this is eye catching and makes you immediately realise that inside there is a story about Adele. The overall colours used give the feeling of glamour which will interest girls, who are the main target audience.
The cover lines used on the front cover are all about things that will relate to girls in some way, there’s also the mention of the celebrity “Amy Child's the ultimate Essex girl” who stars on the only way is Essex, this again is a very popular TV programme and is mostly watched by women once more drawing a wider audience and easily appealing. Another cover line says “autumns essentials” the word essential shows that it’s a must have and makes women think that everyone else has it so they must read it. The price of the magazine is barely noticeable this may be because it’s expensive and could make potential buyers not want to buy it.
 In my opinion I think the whole look of the front cover would really appeal to women who are interested in fashion because everything from the image to the cover lines gives it a really classy look to a fashion magazine. The entire style of the exterior gives an up market impression, which makes this magazine unlike any over fashion magazine, giving it an exclusive feel and creating a great impact on its target audience.  

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