
Sunday 4 March 2012

Music magazine: Stages of my contents page

Stage 1
I started designing my contents by adding the title, I played around with fonts and colours but went with pink because it is a typical girl colour and would attract my target audience of teenage girls. I used a font which went with my genre of music (Pop). I added boxes which included what was 'On the cover' and what my magazine 'Features' this is a typical convention of a music magazine however I just adapted it so it went with my genre of music, by adding a bold 'stroke' on the boxes making them stand out.

Stage 2
To make this actually look like a contents page from a music magazine, I added a smaller version of my masthead from the front cover. This makes it easily recognizable to audiences as a music magazine contents page and also gives it a 'pop' feel. I then added an image that I took, which is of the same girl on the front cover. I also added a bold stroke around the picture to make it stand out.

Stage 3
I then added two more pictures of different sizes, overlapping each other however they still stand out because of my use of the stroke around the pictures. By adding pictures of different sizes it makes it look busy and full of information attracting potential buyers.

Final contents
To finish I added the finishing touches such as the date, and page numbers onto the photos, these are all typical conventions of a music magazine contents page. I added a puff with our website on it to make it look like a real music magazine. I used the same font for my page numbers and titles so it would draw audiences eyes to them, making them want to read on. The use of the puff, colour palette and font all appeal to my target audience of teenage girls.

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