
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

I used a number of different methods and techniques to attract my target audience. My target audience is teenage girls aged 15-18 who are into mainstream pop/chart music. I used InDesign to present my media product and annotate my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread to evaluate the ways in which I attracted and addressed my target audience.
Double page spread

My front cover

Contents page 

To conclude I have attracted/ addressed my audience by reinforcing dominant ideologies of the interests of my target audience to appeal to potential buyers. Throughout my magazine I have stuck to the style of the genre of my music magazine to give it a pop feel, while also addressing my target audience. I have used a number of techniques such as adding puffs, pictures and cover lines which I believe will attract my target audience most.

Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation: question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? 
I created a social profile for the type of people who would be my audience of my music magazine. My target audience is teenage girls from 15-18. When examining my media product I believe that the audience for my magazine will be girls who are interested in mainstream pop/chart music. I believe that I made a wise choice in designing my media product to appeal to this audience because this is a wide and easy qaudience to attract. I myself am 16 years old and buy magazines on a monthly basis and most of my friends do aswell.

Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation: Question one

I made this video by filming a powerpoint I made and then recording my voice onto a camera. I think used 'Imovie' to detach the audio file and place on top of the filming of my powerpoint.